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Supply Nation Certified

Goal Indigenous Services is proud to be recognised as a Certified Supplier for the Supply Nation, Australia’s leading database of verified Indigenous businesses.

Supply Nation Certified 1

Supply Nation works to connect verified Indigenous businesses with corporate, government and not-for-profit members in every state and territory.  Supply Nation is highly regarded in growing the movement towards supplier diversity in Australia creating a more inclusive economy.

To become a Certified Supplier, a business must:

Goal is an Indigenous-owned labour-hire and permanent recruitment provider across Australia and a vocational training and employment centre (VTEC) contract holder with the National Indigenous Australians Agency in Victoria and Tasmania.

Our ethos is to provide long-term career opportunities for our people and to provide support and mentorship along the journey.  We partner with many large organisations and major works projects across various industries, providing great employees and strong post-placement mentoring.

We are very proud to part of the Supply Nation network.

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Before signing up to Goal VTEC, I had been job searching for three months. Within two months of registering with Goal VTEC, I successfully gained a cleaning role with a major project in the civil construction space. That opportunity led to being offered a full time Certificate III Civil Construction Apprenticeship which I’m excited about.

Robert Dworak-Harrison,