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Why diversity matters

Inclusivity and diversity are important words in 2018. Although, there are still horrible injustices happening in our world, it seems that at least most of our mindsets are changing. On the whole, people seem a little more attuned to pointing out discrimination and banding together against it.

More and more everyday people and yes, even big brands are recognising the world’s changing attitudes towards human rights, activism, feminism, sexism and racism. It makes sense that in the world of business and recruitment, things must also change and this is why we are seeing more significance placed on creating dynamic work environments with diverse teams.

Working hard to ensure your workplace is filled with people from diverse backgrounds; with a range of nationalities, faiths, genders, sexualities and abilities is of course, a step that helps make the world a better and more just place, and of course, it will keep your organisation relevant. But, what most people don’t see is that it can also have a huge impact on how your business performs.

Here’s five reasons why having a diverse workplace will positively affect your business and help make it more successful.

Employee morale

Creating a workplace that celebrates and promotes difference ensures that all staff feel welcome and safe. This is the type of environment where employees can be their authentic selves and are therefore, more confident and happy while at work. Staff who know they are valued for who they are, will then feel a sense of belonging and loyalty to their colleagues and management. This can lead to an improvement in productivity as they feel they are part of a team who sees their unique abilities.

Diversifies talent & skill pool

Ensuring your team is made up of diverse people who come from a range of financial backgrounds, cultures, faiths, walks of life, sexualities and at different ages will result in a whole spectrum of views, skills and experiences. Businesses able to draw on these vast pools of difference are better equipped to adapt to our changing world. Different skills, personalities, talents and viewpoints will safeguard an organisation from becoming stagnant, instead making it more agile than it was before.

Attracts ethical & compassionate employees

It makes sense that a company devoted to promoting equality will draw diverse candidates but what it will also do is bring in candidates that have ‘social responsibility’ high on their employer checklist. Young people looking for roles not only want a good job, they want to work for a good company too; a place they would be proud to be associated with from an ethical standpoint. The best and brightest candidates with the most up-to-date skills are most likely going to be these very same, young people. So, if you can show these candidates a diverse workplace, you are more likely to attract them to your business, snagging them before your competitors can offer them a position.

Cultural diversity helps global business

Businesses who operate internationally or those who are looking to in the future, will often have a few road blocks in the beginning. Etiquette – within business and/or social interactions – can differ vastly from culture to culture. Organisations who already have, say for instance, multilingual employees will have a leg up in establishing themselves in overseas markets or creating partnerships with international companies. While the other employees, used to cultural diversity, will generally be more understanding and patient with their overseas partners.

Diversity promotes a culture of compassion

Establishing, growing and maintaining a diverse workplace takes time, effort and education. Through these practices, you will be developing your staff to become more compassionate and understanding employees and – hopefully people. This not only benefits those that are learning, it impacts the organisation too. When you give staff education and tools for their development you show you care. You are illustrating that you are invested in their development as people. This can lead to positive employee relations and better conflict resolution skills among staff, resulting in a more stable workplace. It can also be used as a draw for prospective new employees looking for an employer who takes an interest in their self-development. 

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